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Top 10 list of compasses in Spain (2025)

The bestseller list compares brands and their compasses. Which compass is the best?
Best choice TOP 1
Image of Gvolatee  compass
Gvolatee Brujula Militar Impermeable Brújula Profesional para…
Image of zhibeisai  compass
Brujulas de Orientacion, Brujula de Navegacion Senderismo, Brújula Portátil para Montañismo de Supervivencia, Actividades al Aire Libre y Lectura Mapa con Cordón, Brújula Exploradora Multifuncional
Offer TOP 3
Image of ISO TRADE 1908 compass
Iso Trade Pocket Compass for Travelling #1908 Brújula, Adultos Unisex, Multicolor (Multicolor), Talla Única
Image of welsberg  compass
Welsberg Brújula Militar Profesional para Navegación, Senderismo, Cámping, Brújula al Aire Libre Táctica, Color Camuflaje
Image of PBUSPU  compass
PBUSPU Brújula de Navegación, Brújula Luminosa para Senderismo, Retro Brújula,brujula de orientacion,Aire Libre Herramientas de Navegación,para Camping, Senderismo, Caza y Actividades al Aire Libre
Image of CTDMJ  compass
‎CTDMJ Brújula Aire Libre Niños Brújula, Con 1 Tarjeta Multifunción Tarjeta Multiherramienta 11 En 1, Brillantes Brújula De Senderismo para senderismo y supervivencia al aire libre, camping,navegación
Image of GWHOLE 20150817-46 compass
GWHOLE Brújula de navegación Militar Impermeable
Image of TYSM-CC 1 compass
Brújula para Exteriores, Impermeable brújula de Bolsillo para Camping, Senderismo, Caza y Actividades al Aire Libre
Image of SUNGOOYUE SUNGOOYUEe62gftyix4 compass
SUNGOOYUE Brújula de Senderismo, Herramientas de Supervivencia para Acampar Huecas de Latón Impermeables a Prueba de Golpes Duraderas para Navegación Al Aire Libre
TOP 10
Image of RUNQIN OUTDOOR  compass
Brújula Bolsillo Navegación Caminar, Brújula Cardán Impermeable Militar, Brújula Retro Orientacion Marcha, Brújula Náutica Antigua Concha Latón Metal para Niños, Acampada,Senderismo, Camping,
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We participate in the Amazon Associates Program. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases. We consider only products that are available on Amazon while the ranking is based on factors such as customer reviews, number of sales and keyword. Last Update: 2025/03/11.

The 10 best compasses to buy in Spain

Picture of a compass

A compass is one of the most valuable navigation tools available, being a mainstay in the packs of many campers, hikers, and outdoor enthusiasts. However, anyone unfamiliar with the device may struggle when it comes to buying one, as knowing what the best compass is for your needs isn’t always obvious.

There are different types of compasses suitable for various forms of navigation, ranging from a basic model to more advanced and accurate devices. Any of these can be suitable, so it depends entire on the needs of the individual. Looking to buy the best compass you can? Check out this handy buying guide for all the info you need:

What are compasses?

A compass is a device used for navigation and orientation. In its most basic form, it features a magnetised metal dial that sits loosely in the middle of the device, which naturally moves towards magnetic north.

Because the needle always points north, a good compass can be used determine your position on a map, establish your bearings, and navigate in a desired direction.

Why should you buy a good compass?

As one of the oldest navigational tools ever created, it’s safe to say that a compass is a very reliable tool for many. Not only does it help people navigate in areas they are unfamiliar with, the best compass devices are great for getting an accurate orientation on a map, helping you get your bearings and plan your journey in many situations. If you ever plan on going camping or hiking in the wild, then a compass is an invaluable tool that could end up saving your life. Better still, you find a great compass for an affordable price, and they are a compact and lightweight tool that can be easily added to any travel pack or survival kit.

How to choose the right compass in 2025?

Another picture of a compass

Choosing the best compass can be quite difficult if you are unsure what to look for. Here are some things to consider that will help make it easier to find a suitable compass:

  • Accuracy: The best compass tools are those that are most accurate, so you always want to buy one with reliable accuracy. Therefore, it’s a good idea to avoid cheap products - such as those made from plastic and without fluid-filled housings - as they are usually unreliable and susceptible to inaccuracies.
  • Durability: A good compass is always durable, as the last thing you need is to be exploring the wilderness with a broken compass. There is always a chance of dropping a compass as you use it, so ensure the device you buy is made from high quality, durable materials.
  • Features: All compasses come with the basic function of pointing towards magnetic north, which is certainly enough for many buyers, but you may prefer a device with additional features. For instance, and declination adjustment is a fantastic feature as it provides a more accurate reading of true north, while a sighting mirror makes it easier to match your destination with your line of vision.

What is the best kind of compass in Spain?

There are many types of compasses available, any of which may be worth buying.

  • Baseplate Compass: Perhaps the best-known compass, it features a compass that is mounted on a transparent plastic base. There are often additional features on the compass, such as a ruler and magnifying glass for easy map reading. A great compass for first time buyers that won’t need anything too advanced.
  • Thumb Compass: A small compass that is attached to the thumb, it’s great for getting quick readings on a map. A lack of a base plate does mean there can be inaccuracies, but it’s generally reliable and affordable.
  • Prismatic Compass: A much more advanced compass uses by various militaries, they are known for their incredible accuracy, durability and range of features, although they cost a lot more as a result. A great compass for getting bearing readings.